The message

Onoe Caponoe 

気候変動により住めなくなった惑星を捨て、人々は宇宙船で他の惑星へと避難をはじめる。登場人物である逃げ遅れた白ネコは、これからも増え続ける気候難民や途上国の貧困層のメタファーとして描いている。一方で黒猫は宇宙船に乗ることのできた選ばれし者で、悠々と惑星を見下ろし、格差を象徴的に表現した。「あそこは狂った世界だ 自分を見失うな。」と歌詞にあるように、人々の混乱に対する無関心の姿を描いている。このミュージックビデオは、世界的なCovid 19によるロックダウンやBLMの大きなうねりの中で、YouTubeやソーシャルメディアにて公開された。あらゆる事象にはメッセージが含まれている。2019年のオーストラリア、アマゾンでの森林火災が大々的に報じられたこともインスピレーションになっている。この報告を受けた時点で、これはメッセージであると気付く必要があったが、さらに2020年現在のCovid 19も人類への「メッセージ」であると仮定したときに、すべての問題が明確なった。惑星にとって森は、酸素を生み出し呼吸をするため、哺乳類でいう肺の役割をしている。 住む場所を失った野生動物から発生したともされるCovid 19は、人間の肺に大きな攻撃を与える。この地球温暖化や自然災害とCovid 19が何らかの関係性があると仮定し、そのメッセージは今人類へ攻撃している。
The animals abandon a planet which has been made uninhabitable by climate change. The animals leave the planet on a spaceship to become refugees on another planet. The story of the white cat is that he has failed to escape the unhabitable planet with the other animals. This white cat is a representation and an embodiment of the growing number of climate refugees in developing countries that have been destroyed by the negative effects of global climate change. The black cat who is the chosen one, is able to board the spaceship, and looks down on the planet with ease and comfort. The disparity between the two is symbolized in this video, The music video was released on YouTube and social media in the midst of the global pandemic lockdown from COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter protests. Last year's highly publicized huge wildfires in the Australian and Amazon have also been an inspiration to me. The fires caused me to think about corrupt capitalism and all forms of human activity from good to bad. At the time of this report, we had to realize that this was some kind of message. When I assumed that COVID-19 was also a "message" to humanity, the whole issue became clearly connected. For the earth, the vast rainforests and jungles represents the respiratory system in animals to produce oxygen to breathe. COVID-19, which is said to have originated from wild animals that have lost their homes due to humans, is a major attack on the human’s respiratory system. Assuming that COVID-19 is somehow related to this global warming and natural disasters, its message is now attacking humanity. Nature is fighting back at earths number one destroyer. Humans. 


Born into a whirlwind of the star stormDipping on a cloud, looking down, I can see mankind and swarm like the stars formLet's go down to this planet that we foundYeah, I can hear them struggling from my spaceship as I touch groundWe been dipping on a black star from afarTravelling from light years away just to tell the people what/where/who they are.Don't lose yourself [3x](Ooooh don't lose yourself now, baby)Don't lose yourself [3x](Stay true, stay true).All I see is empty dreamsHanging onto TV screensTelephones with endless memesStepping stones to cemeteriesDistractions overflowing your brainOverlooking the plainStrolling around, tangled in the system eternally.(Oh it's a crazy world down there)Don't lose yourself (Don't go losing yourself [inaudible])Don't lose yourself (It's a crazy world, baby)..Now I'm all spaced out in the rainPutting out  the fucking zoogie I was playingI'm trying to understand my situation plainSwear I saw a spaceship up in the skyAnd it just circled and disappeared in the nightI put my hand in my pocket and found the liiiiiiiight 
lyrics by Onoe Caponoe  beats by MarcceyLabel High focus record
